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Do you believe in fairytales?

Carolyn and Tiarra do. However, they didn’t always believe in fairytales. It took misadventures in love and God’s amazing grace to show them that fairytales really can come true. Not only that, but you can keep that happy ending alive, always. How?

 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13


 At some point, we have all been called to have faith in something. For Carolyn & Tiarra, this was a moment in time to see the book that God had called them to complete, published and ready to give Him glory. It isn’t always easy to follow God when He calls us to do big things, but it is always worth it.  Now, they want to give you the chance to share your stories.

Click below if you are ready to share some of your own fairytale (or not so fairytale) moments of your journey.  


Hope is something we cling to many times in our lives. The 1828 Webster’s Dictionary defines it as: A desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable. Hope differs from wish and desire in this, that it implies some expectation of obtaining the good desired, or the possibility of possessing it. Click the button below to share your prayers so that we may intercede with you. May this safe place bring you hope, the hope (and the knowing) that God hears and that in His way, He will answer.


All fairytales start in some of the darkest and saddest places. They lead to a dramatic telling of a newfound love, one that shows the distinction between love and hate. It is where Christ’s redemption of us began, and it is where many of our fairytales begin. Stories can be an incredible way to help clear a path for others in their own fairytale journey. Join Carolyn & Tiarra (and even surprise contributors!) as they share stories that reach into the heart of love and encourage us to be more like Christ Jesus as we pursue our own Happily Ever After.